The company SIRIN LABS has already raised $ 103 million for the implementation of its new FINNEY project. Opening its ICO yesterday, the company SIRIN LABS for three hours collected 50 million. What is one of the most successful ICO lately. If you want to join, go to the SIRIN LABS website -

The mission of SIRIN LABS is to bridge the gap between the mass market and the Blockchain economy, producing consumer electronics with incredible user experience while maintaining a high level of security. Smartphone and PC FINNEY from the company SIRIN LABS was specially developed for the era of Blockchain. The FINNEY project contains a built-in purse for storing crypto-currency, a P2P resource allocation mechanism, a decentralized application store, and much more.
The first product SIRIN LABS smartphone SOLARIN, is considered the safest smartphone launched on the consumer market. SOLARIN was built using modern hardware and software technology for mobile security, 24/7 Cyber Protection and a private zone for fully encrypted calls and messages. Many of the studies obtained from the development of SOLARIN will be applied to FINNEY devices, based on the Blockchain technology.
Since the value and use of Crypto-currency, every year more and more interested users are gaining, as a result, it becomes increasingly important to create secure mechanisms for storing crypto-currency assets. In addition, the huge amount of personal information stored on smartphones poses a great risk to users who are beginning to understand how vulnerable their data is. FINNEY's SIRIN LABS products make a giant leap forward in the security of their modern electronic devices and securely store your crypto currency and personal information.

SIRIN LABS believes that Blockchain technology will change how our Identity and our information are processed on intelligent devices and digital channels of Internet communication, such as: 3G, 4G, WiFi and Bluetooth.
The SIRIN LABS team develops the BlockShield technology - it is a next generation security system that will protect users using FINNEY products from various cyber attacks. For BlockShield, SIRIN LABS investigates several levels of protection that are built on top of the Blockchain system and integrated into several levels of security. Below you can see the system of operation of the SIRIN LABS ecosystem and FINNEY devices in the Blockchain system.

SIRIN LABS offers the use of Blockchain technology in combination with Digital Signature Identity to authenticate users and devices, for example, smartphones, PCs or laptops and accessories.
In addition, any suspicious activity, such as unsuccessful logon attempts and illegal software and firmware updates, is recorded in a logging system stored in an unmodified distributed register. Also, SIRIN LABS is exploring several mechanisms for protecting against malicious interference in vulnerable core system software that manages FINNEY devices. Such mechanisms confirm the authenticity of software updates, which are issued both automatically and manually. During software updates, the signature of the firmware is checked against the registry maintained in the Blockchain system. Any attempt to change the underlying system software is detected and leads to an immediate abandonment of attempts to establish an illegal update.
Компания SIRIN LABS намерена использовать технологию Blockchain для защиты целостности проведенных операций среди чувствительных компонентов таких как: камера, прикосновение, отпечатки пальцев, хранения до тех пор, пока они не прибудут на сборочную линию. Это защитит от злонамеренных игроков, внедряющих аппаратное вредоносное программное обеспечение, в критические аппаратные компоненты продуктов SIRIN LABS. Увеличивая тег, содержащий источник, место хранения и аутентичность для каждого электронного компонента, который и сохраняя его на неизменяемом регистре. Компания SIRIN LABS представляет полную поддержку и целостность в прослеживании всей цепочки поставок.

In conclusion, we can say that the company SIRIN LABS creates products of a new generation of the 21st century that meet consumer interests in the modern world of rapidly developing digital technologies based on the Blockchain system. The FINNEY project is represented by experienced entrepreneurs and well-known in the global business players, and a large qualified development team. And also a number of well-known advisors in the field of digital technologies. For more information about the team, see the website -

I remind you that at the moment SIRIN LABS company sells SRN tokens, which started on December 12 and will end on December 25, 2017. More information about the company's krausefile is available on the links below.
Join the sale on the official website of SIRIN LABS -
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